The Scott Corner

Welcome to my corner. This is my place to experiment, share, and work on varying interests that I have. Enjoy!

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What am I doing now?
Learning... 😊

Currently working with .NET Core and Azure DevOps. At work I ...

  • Develop solutions for applications using various languages, frameworks, methods, tools, and utilities
  • Code, debug, document, configure and maintain system components
  • Assist with configurations and integrations of software as part of total solutions
  • Test and deploy in all stages of the SDLC
  • Utilize Agile Software development and Azure DevOps
  • Operate as dev lead in a cross functional Scrum team
  • Work with Azure Cloud Computing, CI/CD, DevOps, and Git
  • Angular Angular Angular


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Previous Fun

Project Repositories

Amharic Pod is a language learning collection offering both podcasts and resources for the semitic language Amharic.

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I enjoy launching ideas from scratch and the business side of how technologies answer business needs.

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Learning & Collaboration

I enjoy learning, improving, and collaborating. I have two THREE very energetic children, who are are a handful but I love them ❤️😍 ♥️ dearly ❤️😍 ♥️.

Let's build together!